Electric shock can happen to anyone. You can be exposed to lightening, which is terrible. Also, there are exposures that can result in injuries from job site failures, construction site accidents, combination of water and electricity, falling wires, hitting wires while digging and other causes. People can also be injured when Utility Company equipment fails…. Read more »
Posts By: Barton Slavin
Slip and Fall Snow
Slip and falls on snow or ice can be a hazard caused by the season, but it can also be the result of someone failing to be keep their property in good condition. If you fall because someone did not clean the snow properly, failed to put the right amount of snow melt on the… Read more »
Class Action Lawsuits
Class Actions are a difficult process. Especially those alleging consumer fraud alleging misrepresentations of the product. The problem is having the facts of the “representative plaintiffs” be a fair sampling of the class-wide issues that “predominate” over individual issues. In a recent matter concerning heart rate monitors built into gym equipment, such as treadmills and exercise bicycles,… Read more »
Slip and Fall
A “Slip and Fall” refers to an instance when a property owner negligently fails to properly maintain a sidewalk, stairwell, walkway or other area that results in a serious injury. This can include a fall that take place because of water residue, icy surfaces, or lack of snow removal. Broken steps, missing ends of treads,… Read more »
Truck Accident
Truck accidents involving an eighteen wheeler (18- wheeler,) semi-truck, tractor-trailer, delivery truck or any other large commercial vehicle can cause severe damages. Under New York law, it may be possible to recover compensation where the truck driver was negligent. Some of the factors that are considered include the driver’s fatigue, improper lighting, poorly maintained roads,… Read more »
Side Impact Collision
A side impact collision occurs when the front of an oncoming vehicle hits the side of another vehicle. This is sometimes referenced as being “T-boned.” Many of these types of accidents occur when someone fails to observe the traffic signs or a red light. This type of accident is not only serious, but also very… Read more »
Distracted Driving Accident
Drivers who talk, text, and dial, including hands-free devices, while operating a motor vehicle illustrate some of the activities that take a driver’s attention off the road because they are distracted. It can also include those that eat or drink while driving. Effective November 2009, New York passed a law against texting while driving. All… Read more »
Rear End Automobile Accidents
Rear end automobile accidents or “fender benders” are usually the result of someone else’s negligence. This kind of accident occurs when the front of one car hits the back of another. Distracted drivers that are texting, talking on the phone, or simply not paying attention while driving are usually those involved in this kind of… Read more »
Protecting your Real Property in New York
Consider this scenario: An Executor of an elderly family member’s will contacts you because you have inherited a commercial building in New York City. While you live in upstate New York and aren’t in the area very often, you go through the proceedings to transfer the property into your name and timely file your dead… Read more »
Dying without a Will in New York: Part 2
In order to make sure your assets are allocated according to your intent, it is imperative to have a will executed, recorded, and safely stored to be valid after your death. Seeking the advice of a legal profession will ensure that the contents of the will are clear, and will fully encompass the assets sought… Read more »